Pink Dust
Please note: The image displayed is indicative in nature. Actual product may vary in color, size or design as per the availability.
In the rare event that any flowers become unavailable, we’ll replace them with flowers of similar or superior style, quality and value.
Each bouquet is hand-tied by our expert florists.
- Baby Pink roses
- Peach roses
- Lilac roses
- Gypsophila
- Recus
- Purple asters
- Baby Pink roses represent perfect happiness, gratitude and grace. Pink roses symbolize admiration, and gentleness. Pink roses symbolize a display of femininity, while showcasing graceful and sweet attributes. When a sender sends a recipient a baby pink rose he is showcasing his love and gratitude for the recipient.
- Lilac roses are ideal for sending a deep message to a loved one. These roses are perfect for specific occasions such as Mother’s day, Valentine’s day, birthdays, and so on. They are perfect for people who would love to make a classic statement with roses.
- Asters represent love, beauty and vulnerability. If you’re looking for the perfect gift bouquet for your loved ones, Purple asters are a great way of communicating and showcasing your compassion for them.
The chosen delivery date is an estimate and depends on the availability of the product and the destination to which you want the product to be delivered.
- Store in a cool area.
- Remove wrapping and place flowers in a vase filled with water
- Avoid direct sunlight.
- Please change the water whenever required.
- All the flowers benefit from a daily mist of water.
- Enjoy your flowers!
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